I read this quote somewhere not long ago.
While working towards our dream we’ve gone through many hills and valleys. So many ups and downs, highs and lows.
We recently had a high followed by a low, and to be honest it rocked me. Not in the ‘he rocked my world’ type of way, but in the way when you stumble for a moment, almost fall, only to straighten yourself and keep going.
When you believe in something so much, when you know that God will make a way where there is no way, you can’t help but put all your hope into an opportunity that presents itself.
We recently spent a month working on an updated business plan for Yerevan United FC. The excitement it created was reminiscent of 2004, and thrilling to say the least.
The near-sleepless nights, the research to gather current figures and facts, the putting your dream into words so that others (namely potential investors) can comprehend just exactly what it is that you’re so excited about – we relived it all.
Then there’s the excited talk about the possibilities about what may be. When your focus is so much on the possibilities, you tend to forget reality, and that I think was my biggest mistake.
Although I kept saying “It could go one way or the other, we just don’t know.” I know now that in my heart I 100% believed in a positive outcome.
And after it didn’t come (well it hasn’t come yet, I’m still hopeful J) I was a little shattered.
But now I’ve regained my balance and dusted myself off, I’m back on track, still with a heart full of hope, still the woman behind the amazing man.
At the moment my husband paces around like a caged lion, eager to pounce into action, to go back and re-start what he was put on this earth to do. To quote him: “Faith and Patience”.
Last night we received an email from a dear friend in Yerevan who, out of the blue, met a Councillor from England who knows Yerevan United FC, and was very excited that said friend is good friends with the President of Yerevan United FC (ie, my husband). The Councillor eagerly provided all his contact details to said friend, so they could be forwarded to us. Surprisingly, he’s not Armenian.
God will make a way where there is no way.
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