Friday, July 16, 2010

Your Calling

I was going to make this post about Armenia and my love for it, but the hot topic of discussion at the moment for me is ‘your calling’.

It all started with a discussion about image.
As I look around I see a lot of people who spend their life trying to ‘catch up with the neighbors’, trying to impress their friends. Name drop at every opportunity (and even when there is no opportunity).

We all know that money is power in this world we live in. Most likely that’s why so many people want it (money) and try to accumulate things with it, so they can be seen as ‘having money’.

So what does money and image have to do with your ‘calling’?

I guess that’s my point really. A lot of people seem to be content with having the ‘car/s, house, holidays’ life. Just living, really. Now, if that’s what they feel their calling is, then good luck to them! I find it hard to believe that God put the majority of people on earth, in this day and age, to just live.

I recently watched an interview with Alberto Cairo who is known as the ‘Angel of Kabul’. He left his very comfortable life in Italy 20 years ago to go to Afghanistan and open the Red Cross Orthopaedic clinic in Kabul to help people walk again after losing their limbs from land mines. Now 20 years later he is still there, still working, he’s trained Afghanis in his profession, helped educate some and is one of the happiest people I’ve seen. You can read about his story here.

Cate Bolt is another who has dropped out of the corporate life to pursue her calling. She’s an Aussie mum doing extraordinary things. You can read her story here.

A scene from the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding comes to mind – when her mother says to her that they fled from the war in Greece and came to America so that she could have a good life. That was then – this is now. Is it really enough in this day and age, in the Western world, to just live? Just work, just eat, just watch tv?

Maybe the people I see just living haven’t found their calling, maybe they never will.
You know you’ve found your calling when you’re obsessed by it and when it’s so deeply lodged in your heart that you can’t ignore it or remove it.

For me, I live every day thinking of Armenia. To return, have a business that will support our family to live comfortably and to do our dream. To once again pursue our goal of owning and managing a ‘Westernised’ Premier League football club and to set up the Foundation which will have so many ways of helping those in need in Armenia – the orphanages, the young people with dreams and aspirations but no money to pursue them and so many more.

All this takes money. So I guess that’s the connection!

Our journey has been long and hard. Six years on, but I know one day we will make it a reality.

One of my favourite quotes is from the kids movie Robots: The dad tells his son “A dream that you don’t fight for will haunt you for the rest of your life.”

Have you found your calling?


  1. Thanks so much for mentioning me. Choosing to follow your "destiny" or your calling is a big deal. Humans are programmed from a young age to NOT do anything too unusual. We are taught to survive, not to live. And most of those who are taught about really "living" assume that this means living to material excess and partying.
    Following your calling is the most consuming and rewarding thing, I believe, anyone can do. I don't know what gave me the strength to believe in my ability to achieve what I've been sent to do, but I'm grateful for whatever it was.
    Blessings to you on your journey.

  2. Thank you Cate.
    So true. I think living with a purpose and passion gives you strength :)
